Month: June 2023
Health is a complex phenomenon that can be defined in many ways. Some people define health as a physical state, while others focus on mental well-being. Still others consider a combination of all of these factors. Whatever definition you choose, you must make sure that it includes both a positive and negative component. A person who is healthy is likely to enjoy all aspects of life and live a balanced lifestyle. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a state of “complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” This statement is often cited as a guiding principle for health policy and practices around the world. This definition is not without its shortcomings. It focuses on an individual’s ability to adapt and self-manage in the face of social challenges. This is a useful concept, but it fails to take into account the fact that there are a variety of other factors that can contribute to a person’s health and wellbeing. It is important to recognise that both the good and bad effects of health are interconnected. For example, a person who has high levels of physical fitness may suffer from mental illness as a result of the stress of daily life or the pressure to perform in their job. Similarly, an individual who is overweight might be suffering from poor mental health. A person can also be healthy while battling an illness such as an allergy or cancer. Attempts to define the concept of health have a long history and have been influenced by the needs of different times, places and individuals. During the 20th century, there was a growing recognition that health is more than just an absence of disease. This led to the development of a new model known as the biopsychosocial approach. While this model acknowledges that biological, psychological and social aspects of health are interrelated, it does not replace the earlier medical model of health. In fact, the two models work together. The WHO Framework on the Determinants of Health (external link opens in a new window) defines the determinants of health as ‘upstream risk factors that are further away in the causal chain from health outcomes, such as education; employment; income; housing; family circumstances and early childhood; and the natural and built environment and culture’. These determinants are referred to as social determinants of health and influence the health outcomes of individuals and of nations. Unlike disease, which is a recognizable and often tangible entity, health is a much more difficult concept to define. Despite its elusiveness, it is important for health professionals to understand the concept of health in order to promote healthy living and prevent disease. By doing so, they will be able to improve the quality of life of their patients. This will ultimately lead to healthier, happier populations. This will, in turn, have a significant impact on society as a whole.
Read MorePharmacy is the science and practice of preparing, dispensing and regulating drug products to ensure they work and are safe for patients. It also involves understanding and promoting the optimal use of medicines to improve health outcomes. It is a broad and diverse field that links the health sciences with pharmaceutical science and natural sciences, and is an essential part of the healthcare team, alongside physicians, nurses and dentists. The profession of pharmacy requires a rigorous and extensive education. Most pharmacy programs last five years and encompass a broad range of sciences, including physics, chemistry, biology, pharmacology, immunology, microbiology and pharmacokinetics. Additionally, many pharmacy programs incorporate business training in merchandising, accounting, computer techniques and pharmacy law. Traditionally, pharmacists have been educated as professionals through university-based schools of pharmacy, but more recently some have become specialized in specific areas of the industry. Some are small business owners, owning their own pharmacies; others provide consultation and advice to patients, or participate in pharmaceutical research. Some also work in hospitals or other healthcare settings as a way to gain experience and advance their careers. Pharmacists are highly specialized in their knowledge of drugs and how they interact with the human body, and their role is critical to the overall health and well-being of patients. They have a unique understanding of a patient’s medical history and can assist with their treatment by advising on medications, providing accurate dosage instructions, and by explaining potential side effects. They can also help identify and prevent harmful drug interactions between multiple prescriptions, vitamins or herbal supplements. Pharmacy is a highly rewarding career, as it provides the opportunity to work closely with patients and other healthcare professionals. The skills learnt during a pharmacy degree are also highly transferable, meaning that the career opportunities available to graduates are varied and wide. A pharmacy career is ideal for anyone who is passionate about helping people and is able to think critically and problem solve in a fast-paced environment. This is a highly valued profession in the healthcare sector and one that has a strong global impact.
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Read MoreCancer causes cells to grow out of control, forming tumors and destroying healthy tissue. It can also spread from one part of the body to distant locations in the blood or lymph system, where it continues growing and forming more tumors, a process known as metastasis. When the disease advances, it can cause serious symptoms and death. What causes a cell to become cancerous remains a mystery, though scientists have some clues. They know that cancer develops when genes go awry and that this can be triggered by things like chemicals, radiation, tobacco, excessive alcohol consumption or viruses. Normal aging can also damage genes, making them more likely to turn cancerous over time. Scientists are working to learn more about what causes cancer by studying people who have it and those who don’t. They use a method called epidemiology to find patterns and identify potential risk factors. This involves looking at things like what diseases people have in their family, where they live, what jobs they have and how old they are. A person’s chance of getting cancer depends on all these factors, but the most important ones are a person’s age and his or her genes. A person’s chance of dying from cancer is also influenced by whether the cancer is in a specific organ or part of the body, where it is located and what type of cancer it is. In addition, the more the cancer grows and spreads, the harder it is to treat. The disease can put a huge physical, emotional and financial burden on patients, their families and health systems. Many people who have cancer die because their bodies cannot handle the strain of fighting it, or because they can’t afford to get proper care. Doctors treat cancer by killing cancerous cells and shrinking or removing the tumors. They may also use drugs to prevent or delay cancer’s return. Some treatments are combined, such as chemotherapy with surgery and/or radiation. The most common types of cancer are breast, lung, prostate and colon cancer. Other types include leukemia and lymphoma, kidney cancer, skin cancer, bone cancer and more. The word cancer comes from Hippocrates’ observation that the long, distended veins that protrude from some tumors resembled crab legs. People have been wondering about the cause of cancer for centuries. They know now that it doesn’t develop all at once, as a sudden shift in cellular functions triggered by one or two wayward genes. Rather, it develops step-by-step over decades as the result of many molecular changes. It usually takes years for a series of mutations to accumulate and make the cells that comprise a tumor malignant. This gives researchers a lot of time to figure out ways to stop the changes from leading to cancer. Several promising therapies are in development. The goal is to kill the cancerous cells while sparing healthy ones. To do this, doctors are using newer medications, targeting specific proteins that are involved in cancer growth. They are also developing better methods of diagnosis and monitoring the progress of the disease.
Read MoreMedical is the science and practice of diagnosing, curing, or alleviating human illness and injury. It is a combination of art (the application of skill and knowledge) and science (the study of the principles and laws that underlie natural phenomena). Historically, medicine was also an area of philosophy and religion, with many practices having roots in ancient cultures’ beliefs about the causes of disease. Modern medicine is based on scientific research, and has a wide range of subfields. Some examples are: Physiology (the study of body function), pathology (the study of disease), and pharmacology (the study of drug action and side-effects). Molecular biology, genetics, and evolutionary studies have become increasingly significant to medicine, as they have transformed other areas of science. In a medical encounter, the doctor is expected to properly inform and educate the patient about the nature of the problem, its prognosis, treatment options, and risks. The doctor must communicate this information clearly and concisely, using plain language. Doctors must be careful not to use metaphors, euphemisms, or other rhetorical flourishes that may confuse the patient or convey bias or partisanship. The doctor must perform a thorough history and physical examination of the patient, to gather the appropriate data for diagnosis. Depending on the patient’s situation, this may involve taking a detailed family history or psychosocial history, or it may include psychological testing, a neurological examination, or laboratory tests. The doctor must then formulate a diagnosis and treatment plan. If a patient is incapacitated and has not made an advance directive, the state law determines who can make health care decisions for them. This is typically a spouse or parents if available, children if adult, and in some cases close friends. The medical lexicon has numerous specialized terms and acronyms, often with overlapping meanings. Often, these are simply shorthand for longer phrases to speed communication in the physician-patient relationship; other times, they may refer to specific parts of the anatomy or a particular medical procedure. Many of these are copyrighted, and should be used sparingly to avoid confusion and misunderstandings. In general, medical articles should be written for a non-specialist readership and should avoid using jargon and technical terms unless they are absolutely necessary. In addition, article titles should be meaningful and brief, and infoboxes should be used sparingly. The articles should also comply with Wikipedia’s style guidelines, especially those regarding citations and avoiding plagiarism. In addition, all links must meet Wikipedia’s external links policies.
Read MoreHealth is a multifaceted concept involving all aspects of people’s lives, not only their physical condition but also the mental, emotional and social well-being. The World Health Organisation defines it as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” In other words, health is a dynamic resource that enables individuals to realize their aspirations and satisfy needs in a changing environment. This definition of health, along with the theory of salutogenesis, promotes the idea that health is created rather than cured and emphasises the importance of a supportive environment for healthy living. A number of different ideas have been used to describe health, from a purely physiological view centered on the body to a broader social perspective that focuses on the person’s relationship with their environment. The concept of a healthy lifestyle has become increasingly popular, as have the concepts of wellness and well-being. These theories attempt to incorporate all of these dimensions into a single framework. While this is an important development, it is important to remember that not everyone will be in a completely healthy state at all times. It is difficult, if not impossible, for most people to have complete mental, emotional and social well-being all the time. Therefore, this approach can lead to overmedicalisation of society by pathologising suboptimal health states. Moreover, many diseases and conditions can affect our health in ways that are not always immediately apparent or easy to diagnose. For example, a diabetic can be in a fairly good state of health and yet still be at risk for developing heart disease or even a stroke. Similarly, someone who moves from sea level to a mountain region may suffer from shortness of breath and anemia until their red blood cell count adjusts to the new altitude. In addition, the concept of health has been significantly influenced by the rise of the field of biomedicine, which has moved away from viewing disease as simply an absence of illness to a more holistic approach that combines physiological and psychosocial elements. This has led to the development of the biopsychosocial model, which is a more holistic and inclusive approach to understanding health. Another significant change in the perception of health was initiated by Canguilhem, who conceived it as a “natural state”. He suggested that the term health be defined not in terms of an ideal, but in terms of a person’s ability to adapt to his or her environment. This reflects the modern concept of health as an ecosystem. However, in the past century, healthcare has largely failed to naturally utilize free market principles. Government policies and third parties have skewed, cancelled or outlawed the patient-physician healing relationship, so that individuals are not allowed to choose their own health care ecosystem. This prevents the optimum health outcome that would occur when patients pick and pay for their care themselves.
Read MorePharmacy is the science and practice of discovering, producing, preparing, dispensing, reviewing, and monitoring medications to ensure they are safe, effective, and affordable. It combines health sciences with pharmaceutical and natural sciences, as well as other fields such as law, ethics, finance, and business. Pharmacists are the primary healthcare professionals who optimize drug therapy and provide medication consultations to patients. They also play a critical role in the education of students and other healthcare providers in the use of medications. A pharmacy is a licensed retail establishment that sells medication. It may or may not also provide other services, such as health advice and counseling. A pharmacy is regulated by local, state, and federal laws to protect the public from counterfeit and illegal drugs. It is also responsible for the sterile preparation of drugs for distribution to patients and the dispensing of prescriptions. The pharmacy profession has evolved significantly since the introduction of new drug substances and standardized formulations in the 1940s. During this time, pharmacists became more focused on educating their patients and improving patient outcomes. Today, pharmacists are involved in more clinical services than ever before. Pharmacy services are offered at a variety of locations, from small private pharmacies to large chain stores, including supermarkets. These services are provided to both the general population and patients in hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities. Many pharmacies offer home delivery services. Pharmacists are trained to prepare a wide range of medications, from common over-the-counter drugs to more complex compounds. They are also capable of creating personalized medications for individuals with specific needs, such as those with allergies or difficulty swallowing. Compounding is a type of specialized pharmacy service that involves mixing ingredients to create new forms of medicines. For instance, a compounding pharmacist might combine a liquid medicine with a flavored syrup to make a medicated lollipop for a patient with difficulty swallowing tablets. A degree in pharmacy can open the door to a number of different careers. While the majority of graduates end up as healthcare professionals, it is also possible to find work in the retail and finance industries. This is because a degree in pharmacy is mainly made up of maths and science subjects, which can be transferred into a number of other career paths.
Read MoreCancer is a collection of abnormal cells that grow, divide and spread throughout the body. There are more than 100 types of cancer, each with its own characteristics. Some are very rare and others are more common. No two cancers are alike, even two cancers in the same person. This is why different treatments work better for some people than others. Cells are the building blocks of the body, and they grow and replace themselves as needed. But when a group of cells grows out of control, it forms a mass called a tumor. Cancer can also spread to other parts of the body through the blood or lymph systems. This is called metastasis. Scientists haven’t completely understood what causes cancer. But they do know that some things can make it more likely to happen, such as smoking and sun exposure. And they know that some cancers can run in families. These are called risk factors. But the most important thing to remember is that not everyone who gets cancer has a family history of it. And that there are many ways to lower your risk, including staying at a healthy weight, not smoking, eating lots of fruits and vegetables, limiting alcohol, and protecting yourself from the sun. All cancers start in cells. But the genes inside them are what really makes them go wrong. Cancers can be caused by a single genetic mutation or by many gene changes at the same time. These changes can turn off the genes that keep cells from growing out of control or switch them on so they grow and multiply too much. When a normal cell develops these genetic changes, it breaks free of the usual restraints on cell growth and starts growing out of control. As it continues to grow, it produces more cancer cells that grow and divide too much. These new cells may stay within the tissue where they started (called in situ cancer), or they can break away from the tumor and travel through the blood and lymph to other parts of the body, forming new tumors there. The good news is that there are many treatments to help fight cancer, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and stem-cell transplantation. And scientists are working all the time to find more. The goal is to kill the cancer cells and prevent them from spreading. If you have cancer, talk to your doctor about the treatment options that are right for you. And remember that there are ways to lower your risk, including maintaining a healthy weight, not smoking, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, limiting alcohol, protecting yourself from the sun, and getting regular screenings.
Read MoreMedicine is a broad field, and doctors work in many different specialties. Qualifications, aptitude and preference will all influence which area a doctor chooses to specialise in. For centuries, medical practice was largely an art (an area of skill and creativity) with connections to the religious and philosophical beliefs of local cultures. A medicine man might apply herbs and say prayers for healing; an ancient physician might use bloodletting according to the theory of the “four humours”. Scientific biomedical research gradually began to replace this early Western tradition, starting with Edward Jenner’s development of the smallpox vaccine around 1761, and continuing through Robert Koch’s discovery of antibiotics in 1880. The practice of modern medicine is conducted within health care systems which provide financing, credentialing and regulatory frameworks for professional medical work. These vary across the world, but most developed countries have nationalized health insurance schemes that cover a majority of their citizens. In some cases, such as in the case of the United States, private insurance can be purchased to supplement these public schemes. In general, the study and research of medicine is divided into two broad categories: internal medicine and surgery. Internal medicine includes sub-specialties such as gastroenterology, endocrinology, pulmonology and gynecology. Surgical training, on the other hand, is a long process that begins with residency after medical school and may continue for several years with post-residency fellowships. Other branches of medical science include pharmacology, which studies the action of drugs on the body’s systemic functions; and clinical research, where researchers study the effect of treatments on human patients using double-blind, randomised trials. The ethics of medicine are based on the principles of beneficence (caring for people’s physical, emotional and mental well-being) and non-maleficence (first, do no harm). The practical application of medicine involves the diagnosis and treatment of disease and injury. This can involve surgery, but also a range of other allied health professions such as occupational therapy and physiotherapy, which help patients recover from illness or disability. It is common for tertiary care medical centres to have diagnostic laboratories and imaging services such as MRI and CT scanners. This allows the doctors to make a quick and accurate diagnosis of a patient, which will then inform their medical treatment. Other equipment used in the field of medicine includes x-ray machines and ultrasound scanners. Such devices are regulated by the FDA as medical products.
Read MoreHealth is the state of an individual’s physical, mental and social well-being. It is a concept that has been defined in many ways, from a medical perspective as “the absence of disease or infirmity” to a more holistic view of health as a resource for an individual to function in society and to fulfill their potential. There are three broad categories of health: Physical, Psychological and Nutritional. Physical health involves a person’s body functions and processes, and is largely determined by one’s level of fitness. It requires regular exercise and a balanced diet to keep the body functioning at its optimal level. A person’s psychological health is an important factor in their overall wellness, as it refers to their emotional stability and ability to cope with stressors. Their nutritional health is the level of nutrient intake necessary to maintain their bodies’ immune systems and proper bodily functioning. A person’s overall health is also impacted by their environment, which may contribute to the development of disease or illness. These factors are often referred to as the social determinants of health (SDOH). They include all aspects of an individual’s living and working environments that affect his or her quality of life. These include (but are not limited to) housing, water and air quality, economics and access to resources, education, community safety, crime and policing, and work and leisure activities. It is a common misconception that the healthcare landscape is a monolithic entity that can be defined by one single model. However, in reality it is a complex ecosystem of interconnected moving parts, each influenced by the others. There are several different healthcare landscapes, each of which is suited to specific health needs and each of which will change with time. These diverse ecosystems are comprised of physician offices, hospitals, labs, imaging centers, physiotherapy centers, pharmaceutical companies, drug stores, group purchasing organizations, pharmacy benefit managers and health insurances.
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