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Pharmacy is the science and practice of discovering, producing, preparing, dispensing, reviewing, and monitoring medications, aiming to ensure the safe, effective, and affordable use of medicines. It is a diverse science that links health sciences with pharmaceutical and natural sciences. It is a profession which requires specialized training, including a university degree or equivalent, and a licensing exam. The education curriculum of pharmacy programs typically includes pharmacology, biochemistry, biology, chemistry, and physics. Students also learn about merchandising, management, computer techniques, and pharmacy law. In addition to dispensing medications, pharmacists provide other services such as advising patients on drug regimens, side effects, and interactions. They also conduct patient assessments, monitor therapeutic outcomes, and provide expert opinion to healthcare professionals. Pharmacists are increasingly expected to play a more active role in the prevention and management of disease. This includes helping patients manage chronic conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, as well as assisting patients with healthy lifestyles. For example, pharmacists are often trained to give smoking cessation advice. They can also help patients manage their medication by monitoring their effectiveness and adjusting doses as needed. There are an increasing number of medicines available on the market and many of them interact with each other. As a result, it is important for pharmacists to have a comprehensive knowledge of all current therapies and treatments. They must be able to advise other healthcare professionals and patients on the best course of action to take in light of this information. As the population ages, it is likely that there will be an increase in the need for long-term care and geriatric pharmacy services. This will require pharmacists to have a good understanding of the age-related changes in the body and how these may affect the way that medicines are used. It will also be necessary for them to have a good understanding of the financial implications of the increased need for medicines and how to help patients explore ways of minimizing these costs. Many pharmacies have extended opening hours, including evenings and weekends. This enables them to offer a better service to customers, especially those who are unable to visit during normal working hours. In addition, most pharmacies will accept unwanted or out-of-date medicines for safe disposal. This prevents them from falling into the hands of criminals or being misused. There is also a growing demand for pharmacies to be able to supply the lifesaving antidote for overdoses. This requires them to be able to identify those at risk of overdose and to facilitate access to the emergency opioid reversal medicine Narcan(r) (naloxone). In addition, they will need to have knowledge of substance abuse and addiction treatment services. This is a complex and challenging area which is likely to continue to evolve in the coming years.

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Cancer is the name for many diseases that start when cells grow out of control and begin to divide without stopping. These abnormal cells can form tumors or spread to other parts of the body. They can also harm the immune system, which normally protects people from disease. Cancer is a complex disease, and it often takes years for it to develop. But scientists are making progress in diagnosing and treating it. The goal of treatment is to put the cancer into remission, meaning it’s not growing or causing symptoms anymore. Most people with cancer are diagnosed when they go to the doctor because of signs or symptoms. Some are diagnosed after a screening test for another health problem finds the cancer, such as a colonoscopy or mammogram. Doctors diagnose cancer by doing tests on blood, X-rays and CT scans, and looking at tissue samples from the area where the cancer is located. They may also order a biopsy of the tissue to look for cancer cells and other signs of the disease. During cell division, genes (which are encoded in DNA) that direct a cell’s functions can become damaged. This leads to mutations that change the way a cell functions. Over time, these mutations can build up until normal cells can no longer divide as they should or kill themselves. The cells then begin to grow out of control and form a mass of tissue that is called a tumor. Cancer can also spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream or lymphatic system. If cancer cells reach other organs, they can form new tumors there or cause them to grow faster. The new tumors are called metastatic cancers. Doctors categorize cancers based on where they start in the body and how fast they grow. They also categorize them based on how the cancer cells spread. They can be further divided into groups, such as types of solid tumors, or blood cancers (also called haematological cancers). Scientists research new ways to treat and prevent cancer. They usually share their findings with other doctors and doctors-in-training by publishing them in medical journals. These studies can be done in a laboratory or with volunteers in a clinic. Some studies are published as a research paper; others are published in what is called a review article. A review article looks at all the research that has been published on a specific topic, such as cancer.

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Medical is the science and practice of treating disease or injury using drugs, vaccines, surgery, and other therapies. Medicine is also an art, requiring knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, along with the skill to communicate with patients and educate them about their conditions. It is a highly ethical profession, with doctors required to uphold the dignity of their patients and the medical profession as a whole. Physicians are also expected to continuously improve their knowledge and skills, and make them available to their colleagues and patients. The main branches of medical science are anatomy, biochemistry, cytology, biology, epidemiology, and pathology. Anatomy is the study of physical structures of the body; biochemistry studies chemical components; cytology studies cells; and epidemiology studies patterns of disease in populations. Other branches include conservation medicine (studies the relationship between people and ecosystems), forensic medicine, diving medicine, evolutionary medicine, genetic medicine, and gender-based medicine. In the past, medicine was based on herbal remedies and pre-modern ideas such as the four humours. Modern scientific biomedical research began with Edward Jenner’s invention of the smallpox vaccine in the 18th century and Robert Koch’s discovery of bacteria and antibiotics in the early 1900s. This replaced ancient Western traditions based on herbalism and the assumption that because someone in the past said something was true, it must be so (similar to Copernicus’s rejection of Ptolemy’s theories of astronomy). The physician-patient relationship is a highly ethical one. The patient must give informed consent before undergoing any treatment, and it is the physician’s obligation to discuss options with the patient and agree on a plan of action together. It is against medical ethics to reveal confidential information to any third party without the patient’s consent, although there are some exceptions (e.g., with consultants and health-care teams). A doctor’s duty is to serve humanity, not self-interest. Doctors are not to accept bribes or other improper incentives, and they must act impartially between wealthy and poor patients. The physician should not seek prestige or financial gain, but should aim for the highest level of professional achievement. He or she should not be unduly influenced by emotions in judging cases, and must not allow family relationships to interfere with his or her judgement. Medical research topics can be difficult to choose for your research paper, but the key is to pick a topic that interests you and that has a practical application. Try to avoid too many technical terminologies, as this will confuse the audience. You should also consider the current level of understanding of your audience, so that you don’t end up writing a research paper that is too difficult for them to understand or appreciate. This can cause a sense of boredom in your audience, which will detract from the impact of your research. Therefore, choose a research topic that is interesting and relevant to your audience. This will ensure that your research paper is a success.

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The term ‘health’ is used in many different ways, and a precise definition has proved elusive. This is not surprising given that health is an individual experience and therefore is viewed differently by each person. However, it is important that health professionals understand the various perspectives on what ‘health’ means to people so that they can take this into account when designing and delivering public health interventions. One view of health is that it is the ability of a body to adapt to disease, injury, and illness. This approach has become popular in recent years, partly because of the advances that have been made in the understanding of how diseases work and the development of methods to prevent or slow them. It has also been suggested that the traditional definition of health, ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’, may no longer be valid as medical science continues to progress. For some people, the most important factor in maintaining ‘health’ is having a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. In addition, it is important to avoid smoking and drinking too much alcohol. Another aspect of health is having positive relationships and a sense of meaning in life. This is sometimes referred to as ’emotional wellbeing’. A third view of health is based on the idea that ‘health’ is an intrinsic part of what it is to be human. This has been influenced by religion and spirituality and is associated with the idea that ‘health’ is a holistic phenomenon, including both physical and psychological aspects. This is often linked to a philosophy of living a good life, and it can involve the pursuit of happiness. During the Middle Ages, the church was a major force in shaping perceptions of health. It collected and disseminated the knowledge on remedies that had been used in antiquity, and it promoted a healthful lifestyle. It also promoted the use of herbal remedies and other natural therapies. The ‘Constitution of the World Health Organization’, which came into effect in 1948, recognised that the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every person. Since then, many nations have endorsed this right in their constitutions and are legally obliged to safeguard access to quality health care services. The Zagreb Andrija Stampar School of Public Health, which was established in 1946, is proud to be on the cutting edge of public health research and practice in a world that continues to be transformed by new understandings of disease at molecular, individual, environmental and societal levels. We believe that in order to promote the health of individuals and society at large, it is necessary to adopt an approach that encompasses all of these dimensions. We are working towards the goal of improving people’s lives by contributing to the development of a healthier, safer and more prosperous world.

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Pharmacy is an important profession that deals with the proper use, storage, and delivery of medicine. Pharmacists are trained to advise on drug use, answer questions about medicines, and fill prescriptions written by physicians or other healthcare professionals. They are also involved in the research and testing of new medicines. They may work in pharmacies, medical clinics, hospitals, and universities. Some also own their own businesses. Pharmacists are well-qualified to answer most medical or drug-related questions and will be able to give you a full medication history of yourself and your family. They will be able to tell you what each pill is for and how to take them, as well as explain any side effects that might be associated with your medication. They can also help you with your vitamin and mineral needs, if necessary. The first modern pharmacy school was opened in the mid-nineteenth century and followed on from the development of formal educational courses for physicians. Since then, many schools of pharmacy have been established in the developed world. Some are part of colleges, while others are independent organizations or private companies. There are now more than 50,000 pharmacists in the UK, who can be found in every community. They are experts in medicines, vaccines, and medical devices. In the future, the pharmaceutical industry has plans to create medicines that will prevent diseases, or even cure them before they develop, and improve the effectiveness of existing treatments. In some countries, the term apothecary is still used to describe the profession, although the practice has become more scientific and professional. The word ‘pharmacy’ is derived from the Greek (pharmakon) meaning remedy. Throughout history, people have used plants and other natural substances as medicines, and the practice of professional pharmacy began to be separate from that of the physician in the Middle Ages. It was in America that the practice became more formal, and Benjamin Franklin played a pivotal role in keeping the two professions separate. There is now a wide range of pharmacy-related qualifications, from an associate’s degree to a PhD. The qualifications can be gained through university-based programs or through private institutions, such as the College of Pharmacy at Long Island University, which traces its roots back to 1886. The pharmacy profession is a knowledge-based one, and the development of its practitioners requires an ongoing commitment to learning and to research. It is therefore vital that the education of pharmacists includes an element of’re-thinking science’, whereby students learn to challenge existing scientific paradigms and to question the basis of all claims to knowledge. In the future, specialists in a field called pharmacogenomics will be able to identify variations in an individual’s genes that will affect their response to a given drug. This information will be useful for both the pharmacy profession and other health care providers, who will then be able to tailor drug treatment to each patient’s unique genetic makeup, in order to maximize efficacy and minimize adverse effects.

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Cancer is a disease that causes abnormal cells to grow and divide out of control. These new cells can crowd out healthy cells, and cause organs or tissues to develop tumors. Cancer can be caused by both genetic and environmental factors. Scientists are constantly improving treatment options, and the diagnosis and death rates from cancer are dropping yearly. Cancer happens when a gene mutation disrupts the normal process of cell growth and division. Normally, genes are controlled by a series of checks and balances that stop any changes that could turn into cancer. However, some genes can get “mutated” due to environmental or lifestyle factors. For example, exposure to toxins like tobacco smoke and UV rays can cause certain types of cancer. Certain viruses and bacteria can also lead to cancer. For instance, hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses can cause liver cancer, and sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV) can lead to cervical and anal cancers. The most common ways to diagnose cancer are through medical tests that check for signs and symptoms of the disease. These may include blood tests, X-rays, MRI scans, or a biopsy. Sometimes, cancer is diagnosed in people who don’t have any symptoms at all. This is often because doctors find the cancer during a screening test that is done for another reason, such as a colonoscopy or mammogram. Cancer screenings are important because they can detect some types of cancer in their early stages, when they are easier to treat. If you are at risk for cancer, your doctor will recommend regular screenings. The type of screening depends on your age and other health conditions. Some cancers start in a single organ or tissue, while others spread from one part of the body to other parts through the bloodstream. This is called metastatic cancer. Cancers that are still in the same place they started in are named for the area of the body where they started. For example, breast cancer that spreads to the lungs is called stage IV cancer, while stage I cancer stays in the breast tissue. There are many different treatments for cancer, and the choice will depend on the type of cancer and its stage. Some cancers are treated with surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or other medications. Others are treated with hormone therapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy or laser therapy. Many cancers are now treated with combinations of these therapies. Targeted therapy uses drugs to attack specific parts of the cancer cell. These drugs usually work by blocking the enzymes that cancer cells need to grow and change. Immunotherapy is a type of biological therapy that helps the body’s natural defenses fight the cancer. This therapy works by using medicines that trick the cancer cells to think they are being attacked. Hormone therapy treats some types of cancer by removing or blocking hormones that fuel the cancer’s growth. For example, it is used to treat some breast and prostate cancers. It can also be used to help relieve symptoms of some other cancers, such as bone pain and problems with urination.

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Medical is a word that describes something related to health or medicine. It can also be used to describe a person who is an expert in a field of medicine. Medical is a broad term that covers a wide variety of topics and areas of expertise. People who are interested in the field of medicine often take classes or work as volunteers at hospitals to gain experience and learn more about the subject. Medical professionals use a variety of tools and techniques to diagnose and treat diseases, injuries and other conditions. They may prescribe medications or recommend other treatments, such as acupuncture. Medical experts also study the way in which the body works, including its genetic makeup and evolution, to help improve healthcare technology, diagnosis and decision-making. The first step in the medical process is to gather information about a patient’s symptoms, history and other factors. This data is then analyzed to make a diagnosis. Medical professionals use this information to develop a treatment plan that will relieve the patient’s symptoms and cure or manage the disease. The diagnosis is documented in the patient’s medical record. The information is reviewed at subsequent appointments to monitor progress and identify any problems. Different medical fields have their own specific vocabulary and terminology. Most words in the medical field can be broken down into three parts: the prefix, the root and the suffix. The prefix is the first part of a medical term and usually indicates a location, direction or type. The root is the second part of a medical term and indicates the base meaning of the word. The suffix is the last part of a medical term and usually indicates an area of specialty or the type of procedure being performed. Some examples of medical fields include pharmacology, pathology, epidemiology, endocrinology, genetics and gynecology. Physiotherapy is the practice of rehabilitating patients who have suffered from physical or psychological traumas. The physiotherapy process includes exercises, massage and acupuncture. Many advanced industrialized countries provide universal healthcare to their citizens through a system of government-managed or privately sponsored insurance. This ensures that all citizens have access to medical care and can be treated for a wide range of illnesses and conditions. Other countries have a more decentralized healthcare system where private companies or non-governmental organizations administer the insurance and healthcare services.

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Health is a person’s capacity for self-realization, the ability to fulfill their personal potentialities, and to be at ease in their social relations. In modern medical terms it is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. A person’s Health is the result of complex interactions between genetics, lifestyle, and environment. If you ask Canadians what makes them healthy, they may cite luck or family history; but many would also point to their diet, the amount of exercise they get, and how they manage stress levels. Health can also be viewed on a continuum from wellness and optimal functioning in every aspect of life at one end to disease, illness and infirmity at the other. In the world of public health, there has been a movement from viewing health as a state to seeing it as a process. A key component in this shift is the concept of resiliency. This view is based on the understanding that people are not just passive victims of their circumstances; rather, they have a strong capacity for action and resiliency. The idea that people can take control of their own health and wellbeing is central to the concept of health promotion. This involves helping individuals and communities to take steps to promote their own health and well-being by making positive changes in their daily lives. By doing so, they can reduce the risk of disease, ill-health and premature death. This approach to health is rooted in the principle that all humans are equal and should have access to basic services and an environment that supports their health. It requires the cooperation of everyone, and a commitment to reducing inequalities in the opportunities available for good health. The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. It is a positive concept that recognizes that people are more than just their genes, illnesses, and injuries; they have a rich social fabric of relationships and the ability to live harmoniously within a changing total environment. It is a concept that should be supported and promoted by governments around the world. Creating the conditions that promote and protect health should be seen as a vital public service. The global effort to protect human health must be rooted in the notion of human rights. These rights include the right to food, housing, education, and a safe working environment. The World Health Organization and other international agencies should work to ensure that these rights are respected. This can be accomplished by focusing on the determinants of health, such as living and working conditions, income, neighborhood characteristics, and the quality of medical care. In addition, governments should create policies and programs that provide people with the resources to achieve good health. They should focus on improving the health of all groups, particularly those who have been denied or marginalized in the past.

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A pharmacy is a place where health professionals can help patients manage their medication. In addition to selling medication, pharmacies often provide advice on healthy living and other health-related issues. They also work with other members of the healthcare team to ensure that patients receive the best possible care. In some countries, pharmacists can be trained to deliver a range of services including vaccines and other immunizations, as well as providing support and education for individuals with chronic diseases. In some instances, they may also be able to recommend alternative medicine products or natural remedies. Often, people use the term “pharmacy” to refer to an establishment where these services are practiced, rather than a specific person or role. These facilities are commonly referred to as drugstores in the United States and chemists in Great Britain. Pharmacists are uniquely trained to assess and monitor a patient’s current medical state and medications. This makes them a valuable member of the healthcare team and contributes to better outcomes, particularly as it is estimated that 12% of emergency department visits are related to drug-related problems. The ability to understand, communicate and apply this knowledge is one of the most distinctive and valued skills that pharmacists offer. However, this new generation of pharmacy research challenges the notion that this is a distinct and separate discipline within academic life, and that there are no limitations on how it might be applied to improve health. As a result, there is increasing demand for the application of pharmacy research and innovation within other disciplines, such as medicine, nursing, public health and clinical sciences. This requires an integrated approach to healthcare and a re-thinking of how pharmacy research might be used to address the complex, interrelated needs of contemporary health care systems. A key challenge is to develop an economic model for pharmacy that supports its contribution to healthcare and addresses the changing expectations of patients, payers and employers. This requires a shift from drug dispensing-related incentives to payments for improved patient outcomes and integrated delivery models of care. If you have health insurance, it’s best to purchase your medicines from an online pharmacy that is part of your insurer’s network. This will help you avoid paying extra for your drugs and can save you money in the long run. However, not all online pharmacies are created equal. Some are more reliable than others, and you should avoid those that don’t have a registered pharmacy license or address in the U.S. In addition, you should make sure that the site is secure and reputable and has an easy way to contact customer service. Lastly, you should always check to see if the online pharmacy is a member of the Yellow Card scheme, which allows you to report suspected side effects from medications, vaccines and medical devices. This is a free, confidential service run by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). It’s important to remember that this service will not replace your doctor or other healthcare professional.

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Cancer is a disease that starts when cells in the body start growing and multiplying out of control. They may form a mass, or tumor, that forms in one part of the body. The cancer cells can also break away from the tumor and spread to other parts of the body. These are called secondary cancers. Cancer is very different from other diseases, such as a common cold or arthritis. The cause of cancer is not completely known. However, genetics and lifestyle choices (like smoking or being overweight) play a role in how likely someone is to get the disease. The most common types of cancer in the United States are nonmelanoma skin cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, and colorectal cancer. Scientists have learned a lot about cancer since its first description in 1910. Each new discovery brought scientists closer to understanding what causes the disease, but it took a long time for researchers to figure out how the cancer process actually works. Until recently, most cancers were thought to develop by chance. Then, in the late 1970s, scientists discovered that some chemicals, called carcinogens, can change the way that DNA communicates with a cell. When a normal cell has a changed gene, it may make mistakes when it divides that can lead to cancer. These mistakes are called mutations. Mutations can be caused by chemicals, radiation, or viruses. Sometimes they are inherited from parents. They can also happen by accident, such as when a healthy cell splits to become two new cells instead of just one. Cancer can start in any type of cell in the body, but it usually starts in cells that line blood vessels or form tissues that line internal organs. Cancers can also start in cells that line the reproductive organs, such as ovaries and testicles, or in the cells that line the lungs. Doctors have found ways to treat many cancers. These treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Sometimes doctors also use medicines to prevent or treat precancerous conditions, or to stop cancers from spreading. Each type of cancer is named for where it starts in the body or what kind of cell it starts in. There are over 100 different types of cancer. Some cancers grow and spread quickly and others grow more slowly. Some cancers form tumors, or lumps, and others do not. Cancers can also grow into the tissues that surround them and take over those tissues. Cancers that grow and spread this way are often called metastases. Almost two-thirds of all cancer deaths are due to things that can be prevented. Smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and being overweight are the leading causes of preventable cancer death. Cancer screening tests can find some types of cancers early when they are smaller and easier to treat. Doctors recommend regular cancer screening tests for people of all ages.

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