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Cancer is a disease that starts when cells grow and divide out of control. Cells are the basic units that make up all the tissues in your body, such as skin, bones and organs. Normally, your cells die when they become old or damaged and are replaced by new cells. But sometimes, abnormal genetic changes interfere with this process. Then, the cancerous (malignant) cells can spread to other parts of your body and form new tumors. There are many different types of cancer, and each type develops in a different part of the body. For example, sarcomas grow in bones or soft tissue; carcinomas develop in the skin and other smooth tissue; and adenocarcinomas develop in the digestive tract. Cancer can also spread from one part of the body to another through your bloodstream, a process called metastasis. The first step in fighting cancer is to remove the tumor if it has not spread. That may be done with surgery, a procedure that involves cutting away the tumor and the surrounding tissue. It can also be done with radiation, chemotherapy or both. Radiation therapy uses high-energy X-rays to destroy cancer cells. The X-rays do not harm normal cells but can damage the tissue around the tumor. Chemotherapy is a treatment that kills cancer cells with drugs. It can be given by mouth or by injection into a vein (IV). It can be used alone, in combination with other treatments, to reduce the chances of cancer coming back after surgery or radiotherapy, and to relieve symptoms. Several types of chemotherapy drugs are available, and each type works differently. Some types of chemotherapy cause side effects, such as vomiting and diarrhea. Other types of chemotherapy use targeted drugs that attack specific types of cancer cells without damaging other cells in your body. Scientists now know more about how cancers begin and grow than ever before. They understand that a cancer typically results from a series of genetic changes (mutations) that accumulate over time in precancerous cells. These mutations allow cancerous cells to ignore signals that normally stop cells from dividing or from dying. They can also evade the body’s defense systems and get into neighboring tissues where they can continue growing. As scientists learn more about how cancers develop and grow, they are developing ways to prevent or treat them. These advances, together with improvements in screening and a reduction in tobacco use, are helping to reduce the number of people diagnosed with cancer each year.

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Medical is a highly specialized field in which doctors and other health care professionals study the body and its many functions. This information is gathered for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and injuries to people of all ages. It’s a field that requires a mastery of the highly specialized language used to communicate the latest developments in the scientific understanding of the human body and its ailments. StraighterLine’s online Medical Terminology course can help students develop a fluency in the unique jargon of this specialization, which will be invaluable when seeking employment in the field. A medical journal is a periodical publication that contains articles on the practice of medicine and the research into disease and illness. Most medical journals have specific guidelines for the content and format of their articles. The editorial and peer review processes for a medical journal are designed to ensure the accuracy, appropriateness, and quality of information contained in each issue. The primary goal of most medical journals is to improve patient care through publishing sound scientific research and focusing on subjects of relevance to the readership. Journal editors also have journalistic goals, which include increasing the journal’s impact factor and breaking hot medical news. Articles in a medical journal can take a variety of forms, including research papers, review articles, case reports, clinical updates, and clinical practice guidelines. The best articles are written clearly and concisely, and they provide comprehensive coverage of the subject matter. They should be structured in a way that makes it easy for other scientists and medical practitioners to understand the results of the research and apply them to their practices. Some of the most widely read medical articles are research papers, which report the results of original investigations into a topic. These may be studies of the genetic basis of a disease or clinical trials that compare the effectiveness of different treatments for a condition. The scientific community depends on medical journals to publish these important research results. Medical terms are often created using prefixes and suffixes that combine to create new words, much like the word quadriplegia, which combines the Greek roots ster(root) – cleid(root) – o (apheresis) to form a new word that means “paralysis of the four limbs.” Another common type of medical article is a case report, which presents a single patient case and analyzes the patient’s presentation, diagnosis, and treatment. Case reports should also explain the typical hospital course and ultimate patient outcome for that type of disease or disorder, so that readers can recognize patterns of behavior and treatment. These articles can be very useful for improving general medical knowledge and helping doctors to diagnose similar cases in the future.

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Health is a multifaceted concept that can be viewed from many different perspectives. For example, some people may define health as the ability to perform daily tasks, while others may view it as a state of well-being or as a positive emotional experience. In the field of medicine, health is generally understood as the absence of disease and infirmity. However, it is important to note that diseases can affect the quality of life and even be present in seemingly healthy people. Whether or not a person is experiencing illness, he or she can still benefit from a variety of activities that promote wellness and help prevent disease. These include regular physical activity, good nutrition, and stress management techniques. In addition, tertiary care medical services can provide the necessary treatment for serious illnesses and injuries. In recent times, there has been a shift in how we think about health. We no longer think of health as simply the absence of disease or infirmity; instead, we now see it as a dynamic process that involves an individual’s capacity to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, cope with change, and build resilience. This new way of thinking about health was fostered by the WHO in the 1980s and is now largely accepted worldwide. For example, a person who suffers from an allergic reaction to pollen can still enjoy the rest of his or her life in good health. This is because a person with an allergy can usually control the severity of the symptoms through medication or lifestyle changes such as wearing loose clothing in hot weather, not eating peanuts or shellfish, and using air purifiers at home. Health is also influenced by factors that can be controlled, such as diet and exercise, as well as those that cannot, such as the environment, genetics, and social connections and support. These are known as the determinants of health. The determinants of health vary between individuals and across countries, and they are often related to factors such as income, education, employment, housing, and access to basic services. Health in All Policies approaches, which seek to integrate health considerations into all sectors of society, are increasingly recognized as an essential element for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, these initiatives are sometimes perceived as “too health sector”-focused and need to be broadened to attract wider appeal. In addition, they must be evidence-based and involve other stakeholders in their design and implementation. This will allow them to address the challenges of ensuring that the benefits of health and wellbeing are shared equitably. Ultimately, this will lead to better health and well-being for all.

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Pharmacy is a professional health science that ensures the safe use of medicines. Its core activities are dispensing prescription drugs, providing patient advice and information, and conducting research. It is a profession that has evolved from its roots in the manufacture and sale of natural products for medicinal purposes, through to its modern roles as an integral part of healthcare. Traditionally, pharmacists have been responsible for the dispensing and supply of medication. This includes ensuring that the correct medication is given to patients, confirming that the prescription is written correctly, advising patients on how to take their medicine and identifying potential side effects. Pharmacists also play a key role in health promotion and disease prevention, as well as the provision of vaccinations. As the pharmaceutical industry continues to develop and expand, new roles for pharmacists are emerging, such as clinical services and pharmacoepidemiology. This means that there is an increasing need for pharmacists to work with other health care professionals and experts from other disciplines, such as sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists, historians, health economists and organizational scientists. This multidisciplinary approach is a necessity in order to ensure that the right medication is given at the best time, for the most effective outcome. There is a wide range of over-the-counter and prescription medications available in pharmacies, and they can advise you on the most appropriate treatment for your symptoms. They are also trained to offer clinical advice for common minor illnesses, such as coughs, colds, sore throats, tummy troubles and aches and pains, and can help you decide whether it is best to self-treat or see your GP or nurse. They are able to prescribe and administer some vaccines, including the flu vaccine, and can provide blood pressure monitoring and advice on healthy living. Pharmacies are open late and at weekends, and you don’t need to make an appointment. They can be a quiet and private place to discuss your personal and medical concerns, and you should feel comfortable asking questions. The staff are well trained to respect your privacy and to protect you from any adverse reactions or side-effects. Most pharmacies have private consulting rooms if you prefer to speak in confidence, and they should be able to provide you with the necessary information to help you make an informed decision about your medication. It is important to remember that although pharmacies are the main source of healthcare in many countries, they should not be seen as a substitute for seeking medical advice from your doctor. If you have any concerns about the way your medication is working, or if you are concerned that you may be experiencing side effects, speak to your pharmacist who can advise you on the Yellow Card scheme, which allows you to report suspected adverse reactions to certain medicines and vaccines. This can be done online or over the phone and is completely free of charge. You can also find out more about the scheme by visiting the government website.

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Health is a broad concept covering several aspects of human functioning and well-being. Health encompasses not only the absence of disease or disability but also the presence of functional capacity, psychological and social well-being, and a sense of personal meaning and satisfaction. The concept of Health is not static, but changes over time as the broader environment in which people live and work influence their health. For example, when health is defined as the ability to adapt and cope in the face of change or adversity, this emphasizes resiliency and self-management. It also reflects the idea that people need to be healthy in order to enjoy their lives and contribute to society. This view of Health differs from the medical paradigm that focuses on diagnosing and treating disease. There is a third definition of health that stresses the connection between the environment and health. This includes the natural environment, housing and built environments, as well as community and interpersonal relationships. It is possible that these environmental influences can have as much of an effect on health as a person’s genetics and lifestyle. This is an evolving field of study that incorporates research from disciplines such as biology, chemistry, physics, epidemiology, pharmacology and medical sociology. The underlying goal is to understand the factors that affect health and illness, as well as to develop methods for prevention and treatment. The societal view of health focuses on the individual’s relationship with their environment and society. People who are healthy have the resources, support and opportunities to meet life’s challenges. They are able to achieve aspirations and satisfy needs, manage stress and change, and participate in social relationships and community activities. These are referred to as the social determinants of health, and they include education; income; occupation; age; family circumstances and early childhood; housing; food security; physical environment; working conditions and a sense of safety in communities, countries and the world. From the lay perspective, health is experienced as wholeness, pragmatism and individualism. Wholeness refers to the view of health as a holistic phenomenon, where health is incorporated into all aspects of an individual’s life. This includes family functioning and children’s welfare, as well as an individual’s sense of achievement in work and life. People often expect that their health will decline with age, but they usually believe that other positive values in their lives can compensate for this. The pragmatists are those who recognize that not all health phenomena can be explained in terms of the scientific method and that there are limitations to knowledge. They see the importance of maintaining a balance between risk and benefit, as well as between short-term gains and long-term losses. They acknowledge that the social and ecological factors of health are complex, and they advocate that a broad range of interventions be employed. They are also willing to accept that some diseases will require a medical response.

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Pharmacy is a career that offers a lot of benefits for those who choose to pursue it. Not only does this field offer the opportunity to make a direct impact on patients’ lives daily, but it also offers a competitive salary. For those who may be wondering whether or not pharmacy is the right fit for them, here are a few things to keep in mind when considering a future in this rewarding field. Step 1: What sparked your interest? Start by thinking back to a time when you became interested in the idea of becoming a pharmacist. This could be anything from a particular childhood experience, to a class you took in high school, or even to a conversation with your guidance counselor. Jot down all of the relevant information so that you have a good idea of what influenced your decision to pursue this field. This will help you narrow down your options and find out if this is the right career path for you. Once you have a clear picture of what sparked your interest, take some time to think about how that curiosity turned into motivation and passion. It will also be important to consider the different components of pharmacy and what you feel would be your strengths within this field. You can then take this information and use it to determine if this is truly the field for you. If you decide that it is, then the next step in your search for a great pharmacy school will be to evaluate the programs that are available. To do this, you will need to look at several factors, such as the student-to-faculty ratio and faculty credentials. The best schools will be able to provide students with the individualized attention that they need to succeed. Another important factor in the selection process will be the level of accreditation that a program has. The most reputable schools will be accredited by an authority that is recognized as a national or international standard-setting body. This will ensure that graduates of the program are qualified to practice in their field. As more and more consumers become accustomed to receiving goods quickly and easily, pharmacies are focusing on adding more customer-friendly services to their offerings. These services can range from simple, fast delivery options to specialty prescription compounding. By implementing these services, pharmacies can not only improve their customers’ satisfaction with their experience, but they can also reduce their return-to-stock rates and streamline inventory management. A good place to start is by offering services like flu shots and other vaccines, as these are quick and easy for patients to get. In addition, these types of services can increase adherence and improve patient outcomes. Increasing adherence and compliance will result in improved health outcomes, reduced hospitalizations and disease progression and ultimately lower costs for both patients and payers. Medication adherence is a key driver of these outcomes. To further improve outcomes, pharmacists should be accessible to patients and build relationships.

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Cancer is a disease that starts when abnormal cells grow out of control and begin to destroy normal cells around them. There are many different kinds of cancer, but all have some things in common. They all start when some cells have changes (mutations) that make them grow and divide much faster than normal cells. These mutations may be caused by many things. They can be hereditary, caused by certain things people are exposed to in their environment or happen because of normal cell processes that go wrong. When cancer cells grow out of control, they can become a lump of cells that forms a tumor (say: TOO-mer). A tumor can damage surrounding tissues and stop them from working the way they should. Sometimes the abnormal cells break away from the tumor and travel to other parts of the body. When cancer cells spread to other areas of the body, they can cause new tumors and can also damage healthy tissues and organs. This is called metastasis. Each type of cancer has its own unique set of genetic changes. But all cancers have some features in common. These features help doctors recognize and treat them. The first step in treating cancer is removing the tumor or any other abnormal growths. This is done with surgery, radiation or drugs. After surgery, doctors may use other treatments to kill any remaining cancer cells and prevent them from growing back. These treatments can include chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy and bone marrow transplant. Immunotherapy targets specific molecules that cancer cells use to hide from the immune system. It may also target specific genes that cancer cells need to grow and survive. Bone marrow transplant is a treatment that replaces damaged stem cells with healthy ones. This can help if chemotherapy or radiation has destroyed the patient’s bone marrow, which is where blood cells are produced. A person’s outlook depends on the type of cancer, how it is treated and how well they recover from treatment. It is also influenced by their overall health and how the cancer affects their body’s function, including other illnesses they have or had in the past. Almost 1 in 3 cases of cancer could be prevented by eating a balanced diet, staying at a healthy weight and being physically active. But even if someone has risk factors, they don’t mean they will get cancer. If you have questions about your own risk of cancer, talk to your doctor or healthcare provider. They can help you understand your risks and how to lower them. They can also help you create a plan for prevention and early detection. This is especially important for people who are at high risk of developing cancer, such as those with a family history of the disease or who have had certain types of cancer in the past.

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Medical means relating to illness and injuries or to their treatment or prevention. It covers a broad range of subjects, from the study of cells to the practice of acupuncture. Modern medicine relies on a wide range of trained health professionals working as an interdisciplinary team. They include nurses, emergency medical technicians and paramedics, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, dietitians, and pharmacists. Other highly specialised personnel such as radiologists, clinical biochemists and clinical pharmacologists are also important parts of the healthcare team. Some people are more prone to certain illnesses and need extra care to maintain their good health. These patients often join medical support groups to increase their knowledge of their condition and connect with others in a similar situation. These groups may be run by a professional health organisation (such as the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre), non-profit organisations or by individuals who have experience with the condition (such as a patient or carer). The scope and sciences underpinning modern medical practice are vast and varied. Some of the most well-known specialties are endocrinology (the study of hormones), epidemiology (the tracking of disease in populations) and genetics (the study of genes and their impact on a person’s physical structure and susceptibility to disease). Other fields include conservation medicine (which looks at human and animal health in relation to environmental conditions), diving medicine (or hyperbaric medicine), forensic medicine (which investigates crime scenes for evidence of trauma or death) and evolutionary medicine (which draws on insights from evolutionary theory). A person’s medical records are usually stored in several places, each with its own computer system. A person requesting information about another person’s record must provide their name and contact details, along with the medical record number of the person they are seeking information about. They must also supply proof of their relationship with the person who is the subject of the record, such as a birth certificate or marriage certificate. They must also give written permission to access the record, and, if the person is incapacitated, this must be in the form of a power of attorney for health care and finances or a durable power of attorney. Those who are entitled to request someone else’s medical records can do so with the help of a medical practitioner or by filling in a specific form provided by the health organisation where the record is held. The organisation will require specific details such as the date of birth, medical record number and doctor or clinic within that practice. It will also need to know where the person lives and their address, as this information is required to comply with laws on privacy and data protection. The organisation will tell the person whose records they are requesting if there is any reason why the record should not be released to them. This includes circumstances when the person is no longer capable of making their own decisions, for example if they have become a patient of an aged care or disability service or are receiving care at home.

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Health is a complex concept with many different views. In the digital environment these views are present at the same time, interacting and evolving in the same time. Some of them are new and appealing, while others appear to be refurbished historical concepts. The data sgp aim of this article is to give an overview of the main ideas influencing the perception of health. The first concept relates to the idea of health as the absence of disease. Several authors have highlighted the dangers of this view. A person declared healthy by the medical profession can be reclassified as diseased again tomorrow when more advanced methods of investigation discover a disease that earlier methods missed. Moreover, even the most optimistic health advocate has to admit that it is impossible to achieve risk-free well-being. A second concept of health focuses on functional ability, especially the capability of living and adapting to a changing environment. This concept of health is more inclusive and holistic than the previous one. It also places the emphasis on a positive life-style. This concept is endorsed by the founder of WHO, Andrija Stampar. Several studies have shown that the physical condition of a person influences the perceived level of his or her health. This is related to the fact that an active lifestyle decreases the likelihood of illness and enhances a feeling of well-being. People pursuing a healthy lifestyle tend to be aware of the importance of regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate rest. They also try to avoid substances that could harm their health. The third concept of health is related to a person’s value system and his or her capacity to express it in a given situation. This approach is based on the theory of individualism. The concept of wholeness also reflects this view. A person’s health is experienced in relation to other aspects of his or her life, such as work, family functioning, and social relationships. The definition of health should take into account the complexity of human beings and their abilities. It is therefore difficult to find a universal definition of health. However, the aforementioned three concepts of health have been widely accepted. These have helped to form the basic foundation of public health policy and practice. Moreover, they are also the basis for the educational system and the healthcare system of the world’s countries. Nonetheless, these concepts can be refined further to meet the needs of a modern society. This is the task that lies ahead of us in the 21st century. The Zagreb Andrija Stampar School of Public Health is proud to be on the cutting edge of the development of this field. We look forward to continuing our contribution to a healthier world. The text is a contribution of the Research Centre for Integrated Healthcare, University of Zagreb. It is a part of the research programme “Health in context”. (Click here for the full text). This is an open access article.

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Pharmacy is the science and practice of preparing, dispensing, and advising on the use of medications to treat illness. The word comes from the Greek words for medicine or drug, and it is a profession that requires extensive knowledge of the physical and biological sciences. The pharmaceutical industry has developed since the time of ancient Egypt, and modern pharmacy includes more than just dispensing medication. Pharmacy also provides clinical services and reviews medications to ensure they are safe, effective, and affordable. Pharmacy education focuses on the sciences of chemistry, biology, and physics as well as mathematics, statistics, pharmacology, and physiology. The curriculum is intensive, and the pharmacology component alone consists of a minimum of five years of study. During that time, students also learn about pharmacy history and law. The pharmacist is required to be licensed in the country in which he or she practices, and must pass an exam to become licensed. Pharmacists are highly educated professionals who have a wide range of skills and are experts in drug therapy. Their expertise can help prescribers optimize the use of medications and improve outcomes for their patients. They are the primary health care providers for patients with medication-related problems. The pharmacy is a vital part of the healthcare system, and its importance is increasing as people live longer. This trend has led to an increase in the number of prescription and over-the-counter medications being prescribed. Additionally, many people have chronic conditions that require long-term drug treatment. This has increased the need for geriatric and consultant pharmacists, who are specially trained to handle these cases. Many people have questions about their medications, and pharmacists are a valuable source of information. They can explain what each drug does, how it should be taken, and any side effects that might occur. They can also answer general medical questions and refer people to physicians when necessary. In addition, pharmacists can help prevent drug interactions and adverse reactions by reviewing prescriptions before dispensing them and by recommending over-the-counter products that might be safer and less expensive. They can also provide advice on diet and exercise to promote better overall health. In the United Kingdom, there is a national scheme to report suspected side effects of medicines and vaccines to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). There is an online version of this program called Yellow Card, which allows people to register their concerns about the safety of a medicine or a vaccine directly with the MHRA. In some countries, there are dedicated hotlines for reporting medication side effects. People can also call their local pharmacy for information on how to dispose of out-of-date or unwanted medication. Alternatively, people can use a national disposal service that offers free collection of prescription drugs for proper disposal. Many pharmacies offer this service, and some have extended opening hours to accommodate late-night or weekend appointments.

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