Health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. This definition was first used by the World Health Organization in 1948. However, it is still not clear enough in the context of new understandings of disease at cellular and genetic levels. This is because the concept of health focuses too much on an absence of disease and fails to address the factors that support human wellbeing. This is the premise of a theory called salutogenesis which proposes that we should seek to identify the factors that create health and not just those that eliminate disease. The perception of health has shifted over time. In the early modern period, it was closely linked with Darwinian views of strength and survival of the fittest. Later, it became a utilitarian concept with the goal of enabling people to work for long periods of time and reduce absenteeism from illness. Currently, the concept of health is widely considered as an intrinsic right that should be guaranteed to every person in all countries. One reason for this is that the concept of Health has become a political issue. Various groups have sought to define the concept of Health and the related concepts of wellness, happiness and life satisfaction in terms that reflect their own values. These concepts are also being influenced by the new knowledge about disease at molecular and individual levels. People’s perception of Health is affected by their environment, culture and lifestyle. Some of these influences are caused by individual choices, such as whether or not to engage in risky behaviour, and others are structural, such as the availability of healthy foods. These are called the social determinants of health (SDOH) and contribute to wide gaps in health outcomes and risks. A person’s perception of Health can also be influenced by the meaning that they attach to their life and purpose, and the sense of fulfilment or lack of it that they feel. This perception is also shaped by the cultural and historical context in which they live. A key challenge for the future of health is that it no longer only involves preventing and treating diseases, but also includes promoting human flourishing and reducing inequalities in health and life chances. As a result, the health field is becoming increasingly multidisciplinary and collaborative. This is reflected in the increasing number of academic and practice-based partnerships, and the rise of interdisciplinary research. This trend will likely continue. In the future, we may see health professionals working in collaboration with other disciplines and sectors to promote human health and wellbeing, and tackle complex challenges such as globalisation and climate change. This will require a whole-of-system approach to health, and an appreciation of the interconnectedness of the various factors that influence it. This will be necessary to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential and live a healthy, fulfilling life.

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The pharmacy is more than a place to buy drugs; it’s also where you can get answers to your questions about the medications prescribed by your doctor, how to take them properly, and what side effects to expect. In addition to supplying prescription drugs, pharmacies also provide immunizations and advice on over-the-counter medications. Pharmacists can even help you with your diet and exercise. They can also work with you and your physician to create a medication management plan. The pharmacy can also supply home medical equipment, and some pharmacists are part of a healthcare team that provides care in skilled nursing facilities and hospitals. The field of pharmacy has grown to include a wide range of disciplines, and the emergence of virtual pharmacy services has added another dimension to this dynamic sector. The integration of sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists, historians, and health economists into pharmacy research has opened the doors for new approaches to pharmacy practice and policy. Pharmacy is an important career that requires a rigorous academic curriculum and specialized training. Most countries require that those who practice as pharmacists have a degree from an accredited college of pharmacy, or a equivalent qualification, and pass an examination. Some countries have a licensing system to ensure that the public is protected from unscrupulous pharmacists. A pharmacy’s primary responsibility is to ensure that you are receiving the correct medicine and that it is administered in the safest way possible. Pharmacists can do this by verifying a prescription before dispensing the drug and checking that it does not interact with any other drugs you are taking. They can also give you advice about what to eat or drink, and what activities to avoid to minimize the risk of side effects. An increasing number of people are turning to online pharmacies for their medicine needs, but it is important that you use a trusted website. Legitimate pharmacies will always require a doctor’s prescription before supplying any medicines, and they will have the necessary security measures in place to prevent counterfeiting and fraud. They will also have a team of customer service representatives that are available to help you with your enquiries twenty-four hours a day. Getting to the nearest pharmacy can be difficult for those with limited mobility. This is especially true for elderly people who don’t have access to a car and rely on friends or family members to drive them around. Fortunately, online pharmacies are removing this barrier to healthcare by providing easy-to-use online services. The aging population has increased the need for long-term care and geriatric pharmacy services. This has been accompanied by a rise in chronic illness and the complexity of medication regimens. Pharmacists can assist elderly patients with managing their complicated medications and exploring ways to reduce costs. They can also work with family caregivers to ensure that the patient is getting adequate nutrition and hydration. They can also help with financial planning and counseling. This can be a great relief to caregivers who are struggling with the pressures of caring for their loved ones.

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Health is a complex phenomenon. It is difficult to define, and its meaning differs for every individual and their social context. The complexity of this topic makes it interesting for research and development, but also poses a challenge to communication. Consequently, it is very important that public information and interventions take the individual understanding of health into consideration. Traditionally, the medical profession has been the only authority to declare individuals healthy and disease free. But with the progress of medicine, individuals may be declared healthy today and found to be diseased tomorrow because more advanced methods of investigation detect the presence of diseases that were not diagnosed by earlier techniques. As a consequence, the definition of health has been rethought and redefined several times in history. It is a common view that a person’s health depends on their genetic predisposition and their lifestyle choices. However, some people have a more positive interpretation of health and see it as something that is not dependent on their genes or their lifestyle choices. These individuals may have a positive outlook on life and feel healthy when their lives are filled with other valuable things that compensate for some losses. Another definition of health is that it is a combination of physical and mental well-being. This concept includes the biopsychosocial model, which views health as the result of interactions between biological, psychological and environmental factors. For example, a person who is physically healthy but has a low self-esteem may be at risk for developing depression. This is because the connection between mental and physical health is two-way: a person’s emotions and perceptions can influence their behaviour, which in turn can have an impact on their physical wellbeing. There is an increasing recognition that there is a close relationship between an individual’s health and the circumstances in which they grow, live, work and play (Commission on Social Determinants of Health 2008). These factors are known as health determinants. For example, a person who has lived all their life in a coastal environment might develop breathing problems when they move to a mountain area because the air there contains less oxygen. As the World Health Organization explains, “Health is more than the absence of disease or infirmity” (WHO 1948). This pragmatic approach to health was a key aspect in the development of the Zagreb Andrija Stampar School of Public Health, and is one of the main aspects in our vision of the future. To help us achieve our vision, we need to continue working to improve the quality of health education in Croatia. To do this, we need to understand and support students as they explore health from many different perspectives. We need to develop an education system that helps them gain knowledge and skills in the fields of health promotion, health communication and behavioural change. The School of Public Health is proud to be at the forefront of this work. We are committed to supporting our students as they navigate the ever-changing and challenging landscape of our society.

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Pharmacy is a profession that offers a plethora of opportunities for those interested in healthcare and science. As a result, it is one of the most popular subjects among students seeking higher education and research degrees. However, pursuing a career in pharmacy is not always an easy endeavour; it requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Despite this, many reports continue to point out that pharmacists are in high demand worldwide for their professional skills and competencies. Moreover, there are numerous benefits to being a pharmacist including excellent pay, job security and opportunities for advancement. It is no wonder, then, that so many people dream of becoming a pharmacist. Those who choose to pursue this career path often face several challenges while trying to gain acceptance to pharmacy school. They must secure funding for tuition, find the right school and meet their chosen program’s requirements. While overcoming these hurdles can be difficult, there are a variety of resources that can help. These include student loans, scholarship programs and grants. In addition, it is essential for future pharmacists to prioritize gaining experience in the field by getting paid work or volunteering at local pharmacies. This will give them the necessary tools to excel in their careers and show admissions committees that they have what it takes to succeed. While the profession of pharmacy is considered to be a knowledge-based one, its scholarly understanding is not without controversy. Some argue that the concept of a knowledge-based profession is outdated and a more comprehensive analysis needs to be made. This includes analyzing the process of conveying this knowledge as well as how it is used in practice. In addition to the academic component of pharmacy, it is also important to consider the social, political and economic implications. This is because the knowledge of a pharmacist has the potential to impact the health of the public. For this reason, there is a need to ensure that the knowledge of pharmacists is used to benefit the public in the most effective manner possible. As part of the broader healthcare sector, it is vital for pharmacists to be able to communicate with other healthcare professionals and patients. This is in order to provide the best care for patients and to ensure that medicines are taken appropriately and effectively. Pharmacists must also be able to assist with the transfer of medication between different healthcare providers and from hospital to home or nursing/care homes. Finally, it is important that pharmacists are able to communicate with the general public on all areas of health-related topics. This is to help them advise the public on how they can live a healthy lifestyle and be aware of any side effects that may occur when taking medication. They can also provide advice on general health issues such as weight management, blood pressure monitoring and smoking cessation. This information can be crucial in the prevention and treatment of various diseases. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that there is a safe and efficient supply chain of medications and a way to verify prescriptions.

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Cancer is a disease that occurs when abnormal cells grow out of control and form tumors. The abnormal cells may also spread to other parts of the body by microscopic movements called metastasis. Cancer can be treated by surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or other methods. A cure is usually possible if the cancer is detected early and treated promptly. The human body is made up of trillions of cells. Over a lifetime, the cells in our bodies grow and divide to replace old or damaged cells, or to become new cells that are needed. But sometimes, the normal process goes wrong. Cancer develops when a single cell has many genetic changes. These changes can cause the cell to grow out of control and divide without stopping when it should. The abnormal cells continue to grow and multiply until they crowd out normal cells or invade adjacent tissue. Cancer cells can also secrete enzymes that break down tissue barriers and allow cancer cells to spread. A variety of different cancers can occur, and each type has its own unique characteristics. The type of cancer that you have determines the symptoms you will experience and how quickly it will spread. Some cancers will not show any signs or symptoms and are diagnosed only by a biopsy or other medical tests. Others will show warning signs that you should watch for and talk to your doctor about, even though these symptoms don’t necessarily mean you have cancer. Scientists aren’t sure what causes some cancers to grow and spread. But they do know that certain substances can cause mutations in the DNA of healthy cells, which could lead to cancer. These substances are known as mutagens, and some types of cancer are linked to specific environmental toxins. For example, cigarette smoke is associated with lung cancer and prolonged exposure to asbestos fibers is linked to mesothelioma. Most people who get cancer are not aware that they have it until it is diagnosed by a doctor or during a screening test for another illness. Symptoms of cancer can vary and include pain, weight loss, fatigue, or a lump in the skin or breasts. Many people who have cancer feel better after treatment. However, side effects are common and can be serious. They can be caused by the type of cancer you have, the treatment you receive, or both. Some side effects can be prevented by taking medicine. Other side effects are less predictable and may be more serious. Talk with your healthcare provider about the risks and benefits of treatment to find the best plan for you. The most common treatments are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. For some cancers, doctors can combine these treatments to shrink a tumor before surgery or kill cancer cells that remain after surgery. Some types of cancer also respond to targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and other therapies. Click on the links below to learn more about the different types of cancer and how they are treated.

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Medicine is a broad field that covers healthcare and healing. It includes conventional modern medicine and various alternative treatments such as acupuncture, herbal medicine and art therapy. Physicians, nurses, psychologists and other specialists are all part of the medical field. There are many different types of health care providers. Examples are doctor’s offices, hospitals, labs and physical therapy centers. Health insurance companies and prescription drug plans are also providers. A doctor is a person who has been trained and licensed to practice medicine. The training and licensing process usually involves several years of university level education and passing medical board exams. The goal of the medical profession is to promote and maintain health by diagnosis and treatment of disease, injury, and other problems using pharmaceuticals and surgery. Most countries have laws that regulate the practice of medicine. These laws typically require physicians to be trained in “evidence based” medicine and to pass national boards that test their knowledge. These laws are intended to protect patients from charlatans that practice unproven and dangerous therapies. The field of medicine has many sub-fields, including endocrinology (the study of hormones), epidemiology (the study of diseases in populations) and microbiology (the study of bacteria, fungi and viruses). There is also pharmacology, the study of drugs and how they work, and neuroscience, which is the study of the brain and nervous system. There is also a large literature on the history of medicine and healing practices around the world. This literature often provides insight into past cures and how medicine has changed over the centuries. In addition to the fields of science and eugenics, there is an enormous amount of work that goes on in the administrative side of healthcare. There are thousands of diseases, injuries and conditions that need to be documented, along with the numerous tests, services, tools and supplies used by clinicians. All of this information needs to be coded so that it can be tracked and modified over time. It is this coding that makes up most of the “secret sauce” in modern healthcare. There are also numerous other administrative functions that have evolved, such as group purchasing organizations, pharmacy benefit managers and the rise of corporate health systems. Each of these functions serves a purpose, but none are necessary for every interaction between patient and provider.

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Health is a concept of well being that includes the physical, mental and social. It is a positive state of being which differs from happiness or contentment, though these may be associated with health. A person’s lifestyle and environment may influence their health status, and a person can experience different levels of health at any given time. A person who is considered healthy will have a body that functions normally and efficiently, in which all systems work together to maintain balance. Often, this is achieved through regular exercise, balanced diet and adequate rest. People in good health will also receive medical treatment when necessary. They will have a sense of fulfilment in their life and the capacity to meet their aspirations. The World Health Organization’s 1948 Constitution defined health as a “state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” This definition is still widely accepted today. Since that time, significant advances have been made in the understanding of diseases and their causes, resulting in new and better treatments and preventive strategies. Globally, average life expectancies have increased significantly, and many of the major diseases that dominated health policy in the 1950s (such as polio, diphtheria and measles) have disappeared. Nevertheless, the underlying causes of health remain largely unchanged and many chronic diseases persist, despite medical advances. This is because a disease may not only be caused by an individual’s genetic makeup or their lifestyle, but the way that individuals interact with their environments and the cultural context within which they live. As such, there is a growing movement toward the view that health is not merely the absence of disease. Some scholars are promoting the idea of salutogenesis, a scientific approach to studying health and wellbeing which focuses on factors that support a person’s health rather than those that cause illness. This contrasts with the traditional pathogenesis approach which seeks to understand the cause of diseases and their symptoms. When writing articles about health, it is important to keep in mind that most readers are looking for practical advice and information. They want to know how they can achieve a healthier lifestyle and are not interested in enormous overarching plans that promise miracle cures. Readers are also expecting a genuine tone and voice from the writer. A condescending or artificial voice can quickly detract from the credibility of an article. The best way to avoid this is to write from a place of personal experience and knowledge. If you are not a health professional, it is best to leave the technical details to those who are. Instead, focus on explaining the effects and consequences of various lifestyle choices on a person’s health. For example, smoking is associated with poor lung function, and excessive alcohol consumption can lead to obesity. Similarly, stress can cause a range of psychological problems. So it is important to learn how to deal with stress effectively.

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Pharmacists are healthcare professionals who specialize in the right way to use, store, and prepare medications. They also work in research and testing of new medicines to help ensure the safe and effective use of drugs. In addition, pharmacists can answer any questions you may have about your medicines and offer tips on how to better manage your health. They can also take care of your routine vaccinations and advise you on how to live a healthy life, including recommendations for diet, exercise, or smoking cessation. Pharmacy is a very varied field, with several different specializations available. Some of the most common include clinical pharmacy, home care, community pharmacy, and regulatory pharmacy. Clinical pharmacy is the area of practice that focuses on delivering healthcare services to individual patients. This can be done in a variety of settings, from hospitals to community clinics. Home care pharmacies are specialized in providing drug delivery to ill or disabled patients in their homes. This can be in the form of injectable medication, saline solutions or intravenous fluids. Community pharmacies are a vital part of the healthcare system. They are one of the most accessible healthcare providers, offering services such as blood pressure monitoring and flu shots. They can also help you manage your medicines, promote a healthy lifestyle, and educate individuals on the right way to use, store, and dispose of medicines. Another area of specialty within the pharmacy field is telehealth. This involves using electronic devices to deliver pharmaceutical care to a patient’s home. This can be used for chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart failure, and asthma, or for a more acute condition, such as stroke, COPD, or a flare-up of an infection. It can be a good alternative to in-person consultations and can improve adherence to medications. Regulatory pharmacy is a branch of the field that creates rules and regulations for the safe use of medicine to promote positive health outcomes. It includes working for public health and government agencies, as well as private companies that manufacture and regulate medicines. It is a complex job that requires training in a variety of disciplines, including the physical and biological sciences, as well as information technology. As pharmacists are often the healthcare professional that patients see most frequently, they can be an important source of education about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. They can recommend things such as a healthier diet, regular exercise, and regular screenings (for example, for bowel cancer) at appropriate life stages. As a result, they can play an important role in improving the quality of healthcare and helping to reduce costs. In some countries, pharmacies are required to provide a free service for disposing of unwanted or expired medicines, to avoid them falling into the wrong hands. This is known as a harm reduction strategy. These measures are particularly effective in developing countries, where people are more likely to purchase unlicensed or illegal medicines.

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Cancer is a disease that happens when cells in the body grow and multiply out of control. These cells may form lumps of tissue called tumors and can also spread into other parts of the body. Cancer is different from a cold or the flu, because it is not caused by germs. It is caused by changes in the genetic makeup of a person’s cells. These changes can be caused by things like lifestyle habits or genes that a person gets from their parents. Normally, your cells grow and divide to make more cells as the body needs them. But sometimes these cells go wrong and continue to grow and multiply without stopping. Then the abnormal cells crowd out the normal cells and cause problems in the way the body works. Cancer can start anywhere in the body. A normal cell has a set of instructions to keep growing and dying in an orderly way. But when cancer develops, there are mistakes in these instructions. Cancer cells also have ways to hide from the body’s immune system so it can’t fight them. Cancer cells can also use nutrients to grow and spread more quickly than normal cells. This is why cancer can make you feel very sick. Doctors aren’t sure what causes cancer. But there are a number of things that can increase a person’s risk, such as smoking and being exposed to certain chemicals or radiation. These things are known as carcinogens. In addition, some people have a family history of cancer or other health conditions, which can increase their risk of getting the disease. There are about 100 different types of cancer. Each type has its own name based on where it starts in the body (for example, breast cancer, colon and rectum cancer, leukaemia). The way a cancer is treated depends on the type and stage of the disease. Doctors describe stages of cancer based on how far the cancer has spread when it is diagnosed. The most common treatment for cancer is chemotherapy, which involves using drugs to kill the cancer cells and help them die. Other treatments include surgery, which removes the cancerous tissue and nearby healthy tissue. Hormone therapy uses medications to change the way hormones work in the body, which can be helpful in treating some kinds of cancer. And immunotherapy is a newer type of treatment that uses medicines and other treatments to help the body’s natural defense systems fight the cancer.

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Medical is the set of knowledge and skills that physicians and other healthcare professionals use to understand and diagnose illnesses, injuries and diseases and provide treatment. It includes an understanding of anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology and much more. It is a very distinct and highly specialized language that is used throughout the healthcare industry and is necessary for any student who hopes to enter this field. The term “medical” can also refer to equipment and devices used to assist with health care and help patients live more comfortably. This can include everything from wheelchairs and oxygen equipment to medication dispensers and syringes. Patients are usually insensitive to the prices of these items, since they often have insurance or other payment sources covering a significant portion of the cost. This is particularly true if the equipment is needed to ensure their continued health and well-being. Many different languages have contributed to the development of medical terminology. However, Latin has been the main language used to describe anatomical structures, processes and conditions since prehistoric times. Medical professionals must learn how to translate these words into their native languages in order to communicate effectively with colleagues and patients. To help them do this, they use a system of word components called roots, prefixes and suffixes that are assembled like building blocks to create the thousands of medical terms in use today. When medical students begin their studies, they are introduced to the basics of a vocabulary that is as vast as the human body itself. Most medical terminology adheres to a standard structure, consisting of a root word, prefix and suffix, which helps to explain the meaning of each of these terms. By assembling and memorizing this framework, students can quickly and accurately unlock the full meaning of any medical term they come across. There are several factors that affect the price of medical equipment, including the type and brand of instrument as well as the technology it uses to function. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize expenses without having to trade off quality and lifespan for affordability. For example, buying used or refurbished instruments can reduce costs by 30 to 40%. Another way to save money on medical supplies is by purchasing them in bulk. This is especially beneficial for hospital settings, where large quantities of the same instruments are needed at all times. This can also help reduce waste, as unused or partially used devices can be returned to the manufacturer for recycling or reuse. Syringes are one of the most common medical supplies that can be purchased in bulk, as they are a staple item for almost any procedure and must be kept in stock at all times.

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