How Cancer Starts in the Cells


Cancer is a devastating disease, causing a person’s life to end in a matter of weeks. The process of a normal cell turning into a tumour is similar to a chain reaction, with early mistakes compounding into greater errors that let the cells escape more control. This rebellion-like process is considered survival of the fittest, but it works against the body’s natural design. This ongoing process is referred to as clonal evolution, and it drives the progression of the tumour towards more invasive stages. It also creates a heterogeneous environment within the tumour, complicating treatment strategies.

Cancer begins in the body’s cells. Normal cells divide and replace themselves as needed, but cancer cells ignore this process. They invade nearby areas and spread throughout the body. While normal, healthy, cells stop growing or moving when they encounter another type, abnormal cells multiply in the body and form a tumor. Tumors can be benign or malignant, but either way they cause problems. Most tumors are benign, but some can grow to be malignant and invading nearby tissues.

Cancer begins in cells. Cells are the building blocks of the body. They constantly replenish themselves, and the body forms new cells whenever they die. However, in certain cases, the extra cells grow and form a tumor. This growth can be benign or malignant. A tumor can also break away and spread to other parts of the body. If it spreads to the lungs, the disease is called metastatic lung cancer. A full transcript is available at BioDigital Systems.

The cause of cancer is unknown, but it is characterized by the growth of uncontrolled cells. The body’s cells are normally able to regenerate and replenish damaged cells. In the case of cancer, the growth of these abnormal cells is out of control and spreads to distant areas of the body. It is therefore imperative to seek medical help early in the course of the disease to prevent its spread. The most common form of cancer is colon cancer.

Most cancers begin in the cells. In a healthy individual, the body replaces dead cells with new ones. When there is an overgrowth of excess cells, they are able to form a tumor. Tissues are not immune to cancer. But, they are susceptible to many kinds of infection. Infections are one of the most common causes of cancer. If you have a cancer, it can be triggered by a virus, or by other factors.

The origin of cancer is still unknown. Its symptoms are often similar to those of ordinary cells. The disease begins in the body’s cells, and these cells can develop abnormalities. Some cancers have double the number of chromosomes, while others have double the number. These tumors make it difficult for healthy cells to survive. In these cases, treatments target these abnormalities. They have the potential to cure cancer. In some cases, a tumor can spread to distant parts of the body.

Cancer is a devastating disease, causing a person’s life to end in a matter of weeks. The process of a normal cell turning into a tumour is similar to a chain reaction, with early mistakes compounding into greater errors that let the cells escape more control. This rebellion-like process is considered survival of the fittest, but it works against the body’s natural design. This ongoing process is referred to as clonal evolution, and it drives the progression of the tumour towards more invasive stages. It also creates a heterogeneous environment within the tumour, complicating treatment strategies. Cancer begins in the body’s cells. Normal cells divide and replace themselves as needed, but cancer cells ignore this process. They invade nearby areas and spread throughout the body. While normal, healthy, cells stop growing or moving when they encounter another type, abnormal cells multiply in the body and form a tumor. Tumors can be benign or malignant, but either way they cause problems. Most tumors are benign, but some can grow to be malignant and invading nearby tissues. Cancer begins in cells. Cells are the building blocks of the body. They constantly replenish themselves, and the body forms new cells whenever they die. However, in certain cases, the extra cells grow and form a tumor. This growth can be benign or malignant. A tumor can also break away and spread to other parts of the body. If it spreads to the lungs, the disease is called metastatic lung cancer. A full transcript is available at BioDigital Systems. The cause of cancer is unknown, but it is characterized by the growth of uncontrolled cells. The body’s cells are normally able to regenerate and replenish damaged cells. In the case of cancer, the growth of these abnormal cells is out of control and spreads to distant areas of the body. It is therefore imperative to seek medical help early in the course of the disease to prevent its spread. The most common form of cancer is colon cancer. Most cancers begin in the cells. In a healthy individual, the body replaces dead cells with new ones. When there is an overgrowth of excess cells, they are able to form a tumor. Tissues are not immune to cancer. But, they are susceptible to many kinds of infection. Infections are one of the most common causes of cancer. If you have a cancer, it can be triggered by a virus, or by other factors. The origin of cancer is still unknown. Its symptoms are often similar to those of ordinary cells. The disease begins in the body’s cells, and these cells can develop abnormalities. Some cancers have double the number of chromosomes, while others have double the number. These tumors make it difficult for healthy cells to survive. In these cases, treatments target these abnormalities. They have the potential to cure cancer. In some cases, a tumor can spread to distant parts of the body.