Writing About Health


Health refers to the state of a person’s physical and mental well-being. It is often defined as the absence of disease and infirmity, but it can also be viewed as a more holistic concept. The Zagreb Andrija Stampar School of Public Health defines health as “a resource for life and a function in society.” A healthy lifestyle is important for maintaining good health.

A person’s genetic make-up can have a big impact on their health, but many other factors contribute to a person’s level of fitness and wellness. A person’s diet, exercise, stress levels and sleeping patterns all play a role in their overall health. The environment, which includes climate, work and social relationships, also influences a person’s health. People’s ability to adapt to change in their environment is a critical factor in determining their level of health.

Different people have different ideas about what constitutes good health. For example, a competitive swimmer with Down syndrome who feels fully functional and happy may consider themselves to be in good health, while a high school teacher with bipolar disorder may feel the opposite. It is important for health professionals to be aware of the diverse opinions about what constitutes good health, and to try to reach a consensus on a definition that can be applied consistently in practice.

The World Health Organization (WHO) coined a widely accepted definition of health in 1948. This definition stated that health is a “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” The WHO’s 1948 definition expanded on earlier conceptualizations of health by including the concepts of mental and social well-being.

When writing about Health, it is important to consider the format of your article. Will it be a short news story, an in-depth feature article or a profile of a scientist researching a new treatment? The choice of format will help you focus your idea and determine how much detail to include.

It is also helpful to follow scientific research on the topic that you are writing about. Signing up for email alerts from your favorite scientific journals can keep you up-to-date on the latest discoveries, and may inspire new health articles. Also, keeping abreast of the work done by alternate medicine therapists and doctors who specialize in a certain condition can also generate ideas for health articles. Remember to write objectively when covering sensitive topics such as alternative medicine. This will ensure that the reader is not influenced emotionally and can form his or her own opinion about the subject matter. It is also important to cite any sources of information that you use in your articles. This will help maintain the integrity of your work and prevent other scientists from misquoting or misunderstanding your conclusions. Also, do not take a biased approach to an issue because it can lead to faulty and inaccurate information in your health articles. This can confuse or irritate the reader, and it could damage your reputation as a writer.

Health refers to the state of a person’s physical and mental well-being. It is often defined as the absence of disease and infirmity, but it can also be viewed as a more holistic concept. The Zagreb Andrija Stampar School of Public Health defines health as “a resource for life and a function in society.” A healthy lifestyle is important for maintaining good health. A person’s genetic make-up can have a big impact on their health, but many other factors contribute to a person’s level of fitness and wellness. A person’s diet, exercise, stress levels and sleeping patterns all play a role in their overall health. The environment, which includes climate, work and social relationships, also influences a person’s health. People’s ability to adapt to change in their environment is a critical factor in determining their level of health. Different people have different ideas about what constitutes good health. For example, a competitive swimmer with Down syndrome who feels fully functional and happy may consider themselves to be in good health, while a high school teacher with bipolar disorder may feel the opposite. It is important for health professionals to be aware of the diverse opinions about what constitutes good health, and to try to reach a consensus on a definition that can be applied consistently in practice. The World Health Organization (WHO) coined a widely accepted definition of health in 1948. This definition stated that health is a “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” The WHO’s 1948 definition expanded on earlier conceptualizations of health by including the concepts of mental and social well-being. When writing about Health, it is important to consider the format of your article. Will it be a short news story, an in-depth feature article or a profile of a scientist researching a new treatment? The choice of format will help you focus your idea and determine how much detail to include. It is also helpful to follow scientific research on the topic that you are writing about. Signing up for email alerts from your favorite scientific journals can keep you up-to-date on the latest discoveries, and may inspire new health articles. Also, keeping abreast of the work done by alternate medicine therapists and doctors who specialize in a certain condition can also generate ideas for health articles. Remember to write objectively when covering sensitive topics such as alternative medicine. This will ensure that the reader is not influenced emotionally and can form his or her own opinion about the subject matter. It is also important to cite any sources of information that you use in your articles. This will help maintain the integrity of your work and prevent other scientists from misquoting or misunderstanding your conclusions. Also, do not take a biased approach to an issue because it can lead to faulty and inaccurate information in your health articles. This can confuse or irritate the reader, and it could damage your reputation as a writer.